What to do in case of the worsening of the psoriasis?

The worsening of psoriasis is one of the most serious problems in patients who suffer from this disease. What to do in case of the worsening? The negative symptoms accompanied by psychological discomfort of the patient and REQUIRES, necessarily, MEDICAL INTERVENTION.

The causes of the development of psoriatic of the acute episodes quite diverse. Often seen relapses of the disease in the absence of the causes, that is to say, spontaneously. Therefore, to know how to remove the worsening of the psoriasis, it should be understood that cause their factors.

the causes of the

Factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis

The causes of psoriatic recurrence up to the end has not been studied. Relapses are able to go accompanied by the refusal of the sintomatologa and last a long time.

More often to lead to the development of the exacerbation can be:

  • the excess physical load;
  • stressful situations, emotional failures;
  • chronic infections of the body;
  • if the patient has the violation of the endocrine system;
  • sudden change of weather conditions;
  • incorrect diet;
  • long-term consumption of some drugs;
  • the abuse of alcohol, smoking;
  • irritation household cleaning and cosmetics.

The sharpening is possible at any time of the year, however, most often, psoriasis occurs in the fall and winter. This is possible because in the summer natural of uv rays to positively affect the of the epidermis of the patient, making use of the word in the prevention as well as for the development of psoriasis.

In the period of exacerbation of psoriasis (winter and autumn), notes the LACK of SUNLIGHT AND the IMPACT ON the BODY from LOW TEMPERATURES. Therefore, as a rule, in this period increases the frequency of the development of the viral diseases which decrease the immune system and, therefore, weaken the body, making it vulnerable.

It should be noted that, sometimes, there are atypical cases, when the psoriasis is worse in summer and spring. In this case, the exposure to the sun causes an inflammatory process in the skin. These patients are recommended in summer, the maximum protect your skin against the sun's rays.

The symptoms of the development of the exacerbation of

As a general rule, the recurrence of the psoriasis is characterized by the following sintomatologa:

  • the formation of papules, after the disappearance, that the skin is light-pink film;
  • in addition, papules there are in the places of lesion of skin;
  • the skin of the patient blush, appears unbearable itching and peeling;
  • you will notice a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

When it appears similar to the of symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist as the treatment allows time to prevent the aggravation of development of psoriasis.

the symptoms of the

The worsening of the disease during pregnancy and after childbirth

In the period of pregnancy in patients with exacerbation of psoriasis is possible in 10-20% of cases, and the improvement of the general condition can be observed in the end of the first quarter (50% of cases). Cause end of this course of the disease up to the end not clarified, but it is known with certainty that the high estrogen and progesterone, which is formed in this state, have immunosuppressive action, and the rates of cortisol contribute to anti-inflammatory exposed.

Assume the worsening of psoriasis during pregnancy, as well as its absence, perhaps, taking into account the history of previous pregnancies. As a general rule, in 87% of cases, follow-up of pregnancy, similar to the previous one. A lot of moms concerned about the question of what TO DO in case of the WORSENING of the PSORIASIS AND HOW to avoid it?

It is important to remember that patients with a predisposition to psoriatic manifestations need during pregnancy is constantly to be observed in the doctor. Otherwise, the exacerbation of the psoriatic symptoms can lead to ejaculation in the beginning of labor and the birth of the child with malnutrition.

Hormonal restructuring of the body of the woman after childbirth and breastfeeding can take a "rollback" (rebound effect), when psoriasis develops at a rapid pace. This is due to the agency as a result of childbirth globally rebuilt. Of the 16 respondents of the patients after delivery, 6 women with psoriasis has been further heightened by the heavy current. The 8 was observed an average of exacerbation, and only 2 young women as a consequence of childbirth psoriasis no mode has not manifested.

As a general rule, after childbirth is not recommended pharmacological treatment (excluding pathological cases), because there is the likelihood of the medication through the breast milk to your baby.

The treatment at the time of exacerbation of psoriasis

Given that the causes of the exacerbation may be varied, to cure the disease must be carried out in a comprehensive way. For this reason, it is necessary to have a special diet, physical therapy, medicamentous means and prevention.

the treatment of the

POWER. The mainstay of treatment at the time of exacerbation of psoriasis is hypo-allergenic diet, therefore, you must revise your diet to include more dairy products. A positive impact on psoriasis has vegetable diet, in which there are more vegetables and fruits, which allows you to adjust the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the diet recommends the inclusion in the menu of fish, cooked without oil and bread with the addition of bran.

In the period of exacerbation of the disease can not eat salty, boiled, fatty, varied and the food is good. The diet also forbids meals rpidas and semi-finished products, drinking sugary sodas. You can not take alcohol drinks.

THE MEDICAL THERAPY. It should be borne in mind that the treatment is accompanied by the reception of the sedative, immune, anti-allergic drugs and enterosorbents. When serious development of the symptoms is assigned to a hormone treatment.

The conventional treatment includes:

  • are assigned to the sedatives, as in the period of exacerbation of the stressful situation and emotional load are capable of giving rise to complications of the disease;
  • to relieve the swelling and itching, painful it is recommended the reception of the antihistamines;
  • to quickly remove toxins from your body are mapped to binders;
  • recovery of the intestinal microflora is made through the use of special preparations.

In addition, with the development of the health care provider may schedule the appointment, folic and lipoic acid, which contribute to accelerated regeneration of the epidermis, as well as vitaminoterapiyu.

THE USE OF OUTDOOR MEDIA. Neutralize the onslaught of the symptoms of psoriasis through the outside of medications, the treatment that is recommended in the first place. The positive effect on the time of flareups offer the following ointment:

  • the sulfuric acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc;
  • exterior of the tool with the inclusion of tar and solidol.

The therapy of the acute form of psoriasis outside of the media produces an antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory effects, which speeds up the peeling of the return. It is important to remember that the treatment (local and global) is done only after consultation with your doctor, since some drugs can have side effects and the self-treatment can lead to negative results.

PHYSIOTHERAPY. With the development of psoriatic symptoms are displayed in the following activities:

  • cryotherapy — the low temperatures greatly reduce the process of inflammation;
  • phototherapy with ultraviolet rays suppress the immune system of the activity, influencing the process of treatment;
  • hirudotherapy — the use of leeches in the most efficient manner when the worsening of psoriatic arthritis.

In addition, doctors recommend treating psoriatic of the exacerbation in the spas and the Black of the Dead sea, where the climate is more favourable.

POPULAR METHODS OF TREATMENT. Almost all patients who suffer from this disease over an extended period of time know how to remove the worsening of the psoriasis with the help of folk medicine.

popular methods of

The most popular recipes as:

  • in the home it is recommended to prepare a lotion of the mixture of medicinal herbs (licorice, burdock root, marsh, nettle and cola), which are caught in the same number. A mixture of herbs (1 tbsp) sealing hot water and leave until cool, after which in a water solution is wet by the pure cloth, and is applied to the inflamed part of the skin;
  • quite often at the time of worsening, use the ointment of lard + dry herb toadflax. Fat previously waterlogged and adds Lanka, after the ointment to cool and used as intended;
  • to strengthen the therapeutic effect in the home, it is recommended to use a bathroom with the addition of sea salt.

It is necessary to remember that quickly cure the psoriasis can not, but if all the conditions are met (diet, prevention and medication therapy) the chance of achieving durable remission is quite high.